Pure Unconditional Love

Pure Unconditional Love
Pure Unconditional Love

To my little turtle dove, the day you went out of my life was a very emotional day, I held you in my thoughts for 25 years morning your passing until one day I was told you were there with me, I cried for 3 days, this was the biggest healing I could ever have, for this I am truly thankful, but to know that you are still in my life is so amazing you’ve jumped up on my lap to show me you are with me.

I have been told how much you help me though out my journey on earth, someone told me you walk ahead of me and I am automatically drawn to you.  You even proved it to me while walking in the park I saw your footsteps ahead of me, I will never forget your spiritual footsteps,  I realise now that you left me for a reason and I thank you now and every day for being with me supporting me and telling me that you love me every day, and guiding me on my pathway, you are a beautiful old soul that was sent to be connected to me for a reason and for this I am forever grateful. These words and thoughts are for you my little one, and I know when its my time you will be there waiting for me to join you, I love you now and forever my darling little girl.

I am aware that there are many that have children on the other side, just know that the children when they are around you bring you joy, they know before they come that this is the way they are going to pass, and everything is for a reason, the weight that was lifted off my shoulders was amazing. I have been taught alot and I realise how much of a blessing it is to have my little girl in my life even now. We have a special relationship.

The answer to a question that has been asked so many times. Yes babies do grow up in spirit. Only slower than on earth, your baby will come through as a child.