Stace Shaw

Stace Shaw

Last seen: 1 year ago

Mother - Grandmother - Author - Intuitive Psychic and spiritualist Medium. "The world of reality has its limits; the world of imagination is boundless". (Jean Jacque Rousseau, French Philosopher)

Member since Sep 9, 2021

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I AM......

Spirit inspired poem explaining what spirit is to humans grieving.


The Christmas Dinner

A poem about the perfect christmas dinner experiance

My Stories

The Climb Step 2 - Cognitive changes

how changing mental habits helped me take control of my depression


All babies go to heaven

Poem about all babies going to heaven no matter how they transition.


One Days End

A poem written in the voice of a child pleaing to the adults to make time for them whilst they are young.

My Stories

The climb; Step 1; Acknowledgement, Admittance and Acceptance

Part 2 of the climb, my personal journey through depression. starting with that all important first step.

My Stories

The Climb; My personal journey with depression; introduction

introduction to my journey with depression; what it is my type, my symptoms and my first step to the climb.

Spiritual Experiences

The Meditation

Prose Poetry describing telling the story of a meditation experiance