My Stories

The Climb Step 2 - Cognitive changes

how changing mental habits helped me take control of my depression

Mediumship and Me

Medium, why, Love, Light, Spirit, Messages, Comfort, Guidance

The climb; Step 1; Acknowledgement, Admittance and Acceptance

Part 2 of the climb, my personal journey through depression. starting with that all important first step.

The Climb; My personal journey with depression; introduction

introduction to my journey with depression; what it is my type, my symptoms and my first step to the climb.

You can face any challenge that is thrown at you!

Inspired words from my guide team to give encouragement and confidence

Inspired words from my guide team

In this article I share a poem which came about through an activity of channelled writing which I hope brings some inspiration

How to deal with double links

Find out how I deal with double links